Tehnike in orodja za izvedbo strategij

: Miikka Leinonen
: 22.5.2019
: 1 h
: Angleščina / English

Often product and production-oriented B2B-companies lack the capabilities to turn their strategy, focus and culture to support service-driven business models.

Product and production-oriented B2B-companies typically claim they are customer-oriented. But when one scratches the surface it becomes evident that the focus is very much on the internal play
without much knowledge of client’s true needs and desires. That manifests itself in the inability to take bigger responsibility of client’s business. And that’s what services are ultimately about.

To move from products to services requires management to change the culture and help people to learn a shared understanding and language of customer needs and the services that need to be created to meet them.

Typical questions of a servitization process:

  • What new data sources can we find? How do we attract more data?
  • What is our ecosystem really like? Who could help us?
  • What are the needs of our customer’s customers?
  • How could we take bigger responsibility off our customer’s business?
  • How do we prioritise our development processes?
  • How can we test our service concepts quickly?
  • How can we package our services in a way that makes them attractive and profitable?
  • How do we need to change the way we work?

Speaker's BIO

Mikka LeinonenMiikka Leinonen provides visionary innovation talent for companies looking to thrive in the intangible future. He is the founder of the innovation company Ghost, an author and the creator of multiple design thinking tools.

Miikka has an exceptional talent of seeing simple patterns where others see complexity and chaos. He applies this skill in his work as an innovation consultant - and as a dad.

Besides helping businesses flourish, Miikka applies his extensive background in graphic design with his knowledge of business and marketing strategies to create a more sustainable future. He firmly believes this can be achieved by pushing companies to shift their focus from the material to the immaterial world.


  • Strategy of Giving, 2008
  • Melt - As material and immaterial worlds melt, new business opportunities arise, 2014

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